“This is a beacon of light in a foggy world for many women.”
- Sarah R.
"Your advice has dramatically improved the quality of my life
and how I look at myself as a woman."
- Carrie F.

Available Audio Recordings


Does Your Date "Look" (Outfit, Hairstyle, Makeup, etc.) Appeal to Men Seeking A Long-Term Relationship?


Just as there is a way to dress for success on a job interview, there is a way to dress for success on a date.

But it might not be what you think.

Let us teach you:

  • "Best practices" tips on which outfits, hair, makeup, shoes, nails, purses, and scents are appealing to men (we take the guesswork out of it for you... for instance, there is a certain hairstyle that is most appealing to men... do you know what it is?)
  • Learn which trends will actually work against you when it comes to hair, nails, and clothing (For example, there are certain nail styles that men don't like... do you know what they are?)
  • Money saving tips on which purchases you DON'T need to make to have success with dating men (re fashion, perfume, hairstyles) 
  • Tips on how to save time and money on your date-look prep while still looking amazing and date-ready (We think you'll save the cost of this course many times over in terms of "mistake" purchases you will no longer make or "anxiety" purchases you will no longer make just because you didn't know what to wear for the big date on Saturday night.)
  • And more...


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How to Get Real Dates Instead of Hang-Out Dates 


Chivalry is alive and well! Did you know that there are specific ways you can accept the date that will bump up the level of chivalry from your date?

Let us teach you:

  • How to handle the dreaded hang-out date invite. What to say if he asks if you want to "hang out sometime" (we give you an exact word-by-word script so you can't get it wrong)
  • The one logistic in the way he sets up the date that tells you a lot about how he feels about you
  • How to roughly estimate how many other women he's seeing just by observing this one fact in the pattern of how he's asking you out for subsequent dates
  • Exactly what to do if you want to turn down the date but not the man (i.e. the date activity doesn't work for you, but you'd like to go out with him if he offered a different idea)
  • What types of activites for dates 1 - 3 are suitable (and why), and which types of activities are not suitable (and why)
  • And more...


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